Omar makes table tents in a variety of sizes... Single tents from Portrait to Tabloid sizes (8.5" to 17") and multiple tents and cards In smaller sizes such as Place Cards, Table Cards and Mini Tents. There is a tent for almost any purpose.
Designed for production, Omar makes tents almost as fast as your printer can move paper. Your logo can be printed on the left or right side of the tent; or as a banner across the top or bottom of the tent. Add a simple border or just print a name.
Why Omar the TentMaker?
- Works with almost any True Type Font.
- Both tent sides print in one pass.
- Text lines are automatically adjusted to fit.
- Changes are displayed immediately.
- Powerful edits to help you quickly adjust or insert text, resize logos and sort.
- Making Tents has never been easier.
Who's using Omar the TentMaker?
- America's most prestigious Universities, Colleges and even High Schools.
- Hotels, Conference Centers and Convention and Visitors Bureaus.
- Corporate and Association training centers
- Catering Companies, Museums and, Libraries.
...And you can see Omar Tents every day on TV broadcasts (C-Span, CNN, MSNBC, etc.).
Omar the TentMaker is available as a stand-alone version or as part of the BadgePRO Plus Software Suite.



Pull in selective data from your tables or delimited files...
Arrange data... Assign fonts and sizes... Size your Logo... Omar tailors everything for a perfect fit....
Omar can work with custom page sizes and preprinted tent stock.